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Advance Fee Fraud

Sometimes known as 'up-front fee fraud'.

It is a fee charging policy used by bailiff companies to increase profits by charging fees up front for work they know will not be done.

Advance fee fraud exploits fee regulations that provide for a fee for a specific event or interval, such as calling a debtor or doing a specific task relating to the enforcement of the debt.

Two examples of advance fee fraud are:


1. A bailiff company recovering a debt and obtains payment for statutory attendance charge £235 (called the Enforcement stage fee) provided by the fee regulations without a bailiff attending.

2. By sending a "first call" bailiff (usually an uncertificated person) to perform that is called a hit & run at the debtor's address and charging the statutory £235 attendance charge for making a visit even without knocking the door.

3. Charging a £110 Sale or disposal stage fee when no sale or transport of goods has taken place.

Advance fee fraud is a criminal offence under Section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006 and confirmed by HM Government in the House of Lords on 20 April 2007.

Advance fee fraud can be reported to Action Fraud via their website. Police follow a list of criteria for deciding whether to investigate a fraud. You must learn the criteria and set out your complaint so it fits neatly into it. Otherwise police will summarily fob your complaint


An example "breakdown" of fees charged by a bailiff recovering a PCN who knew the work he charged for was never done. This example also contains fees not even prescribed by the fee regulations.

If you have a bailiffs document proving you have been defrauded by a bailiff in this way, please email the documents to me jason (at) dealingwithbailiffs.co.uk